It may have been June, but it was June in Alaska. Don’t forget your hat and mitts! Not much free board for the Icy Straits crossing.
Day: January 8, 2015
Jake goes to Ketchikan!
If you haven’t listened to Jake’s introduction of the R2AK to the City of Ketchikan, hear it here….
Gear and Life
You can’t go on one of these types of adventures without a bunch of gear. We are making some, we are modify some and of course some works so well we can use it as we buy it – off the shelf. Right now we are in full test mode trying out this fabric versus that fabric. Sleeping in wet gear and getting some rest. Concocting meals, figuring out ways to cook, how to start a fire when you you’ve gone hypothermic – yes we are inducing it and then trying to recover but under controlled conditions. We’ll be posting more on this topic later with both raw data and our takes on what works best. We have spent years being adventurers so we have our biases. We like these guys not just for their great gear and willingness to work with us on setting issues right but also for their excellent film series.
The question is not why but how.